Category Archives: Rants

You kids get the hell off my lawn!

Like a Rolling (Gall)Stone – Part 1


One minute I’m sitting on the couch watching 911: Lone Star and the next we’re hauling ass down 22nd Street on our way to Our Lady of the Suburbs Hospital thinking I’m gonna die from a heart attack.

I’ve had one hell of a case of reflux from three decades of stress, heavy caffeine intake and being fat, so occasional epigastric “discomfort” doesn’t set off alarms. But this time the slight ache turned into a constant squeezing pressure just below my xiphoid, that triangular bone below your sternum (breastbone) and pain that ran up to my right jaw. I went to the dining room table and sat for about 10 minutes and, like every other guy facing the prospect of a life-altering illness, hoped it would go away.

It got worse.

Peg was on the phone with her sister when I said, “I need to go to the hospital right now!” I was clutching my chest and had that I’m-not-pulling-your-leg look.

“Oh, shit, I gotta go!” She hung up and asked, “Do you want me to call 9-1-1?”

Hell, no. My first and hopefully last ambulance trip cost about fifteen hundred bucks and we could get there faster by driving. We got into the car and for once Peg didn’t drive like my grandmother. We were at Highland Avenue in about five minutes; the hospital was another five minutes south.

I thought back to the time Peg’s mom Gloria took Michele’s husband to the same hospital with his second heart attack. She didn’t like the maniacal drivers on Highland and took the back way through Finley Square Mall. Despite being potentially on death’s door, Dave still had the presence of mind to backseat drive.

“This isn’t the way to go.”

Gloria snapped, “Well this is the way I go!”

Best not to piss off the woman who has your life in her hands.

Peg pulled into the circular drive at the Emergency Department entrance. I got out and slowly walked into the reception area, still clutching my chest. The pain wasn’t as bad, but it hadn’t gone away. Peg said, “Possible MI here!” which impressed no one behind the glass.

“Have you been here before?”
Does it fucking matter right now?

Peg whipped out the all-important insurance card while I grabbed the nearest wheelchair. A few minutes later someone came out to reception and wheeled me through the ED double doors. The desk clerk, whose duties include traffic control, said, “They’re just finishing cleaning up nine. You can take him in there in a couple of minutes.”

Even though I’ve done it a couple of times, I’m still not used to being the one being wheeled into an exam room. Usually, I’m the one strolling in after all the folderol is over and the patient is prepped. Now I’m the one climbing onto the gurney while a couple of people swarm around me like worker bees around the queen. 

My shirt came off and someone put EKG leads on my chest, a blood pressure cuff on my left arm, a pulse oximeter on my left index finger, a thermometer under my tongue and an IV catheter in my right antecubital space (elbow joint), one of the worst places to put it. A lab tech took several tubes of blood before the nurse ran heparinized saline through the catheter before plugging the end. I put my gown on sometime during this onslaught. Someone else came in for a nasal swab for a COVID test.

A tech did an EKG and I figured I wasn’t having a cardiac issue since he didn’t go running down the hall for the crash cart team. Modern EKG machines print out a preliminary reading; mine was normal sinus rhythm. A radiology tech pulled a portable x-ray machine into the room, put a plate behind me and said, “Deep breath and hold it.” Imaging is all digital now; no more 55-gallon drums full of used x-ray film. The image appears on a computer monitor and the ability to zoom in and out means the radiologist doesn’t have to squint nearly as much.

The nurse started taking a history of my episode; this would be the first time of many that I’d recite the same story. This is not surprising since patients will tell nurses one thing and doctors something else. My story went like this:

“So, tell me what brought you to the hospital / what happened / what’s been going on?”
“I was sitting on the couch about a half hour after dinner and started to feel this pain right here (points to mid-epigastric area) that felt like someone was squeezing me really hard. I waited about ten minutes thinking it was going to get better, but it only got worse, so we came here.”
“When did it start?”
(Looking at the clock) “About 30 minutes ago.”
“Did the pain go anywhere else?” This is important because cardiac pain generally radiates to the left jaw and/or the left arm.
“It went up into my right jaw.”
“Any nausea, vomiting, sweating?”  The first heart attack admission I saw when I was a 17-year-old hospital orderly was sweating like a pig*. Some have nausea and/or vomiting, making them think “it’s just a little indigestion.”
“How do you feel now?”
“Better than I did before I came here but it still hurts!”

*Before someone says, “Pigs don’t sweat,” that phrase came from iron smelting. Molten iron poured onto sand forms “pig iron” which resembles a sow and piglets. Moisture from the ambient air condenses onto the “pigs” as they cool, which looks like sweat. I didn’t know that before, and now you know it as well.

The nurse left and the ED physician, Dr. Nell, walked through the privacy curtain covering the exam room doorway. She was short and stocky with short blond hair peeking out from under her surgical cap; her last name suggested she was of Eastern European descent. She asked me “So, what happened?” (Go up two paragraphs for the recap.)

Before I answered I made a point of telling her I was a retired physician. Normally, I don’t advertise but I’ve found it comes in handy since physicians don’t treat their brethren with the same dismissive attitudes and skepticism reserved for the great unwashed.

She began her examination by listening to my heart and lungs, then pushed on my abdomen REALLY hard, like one of the old Soviet Union’s female weightlifters.

“Does this hurt?”  Well, now it does!

She was quiet for a few minutes.

“You don’t have any of the classic heart attack signs like sweating or nausea and your EKG is normal, so it might be GI. I’m going to try nitroglycerine to see if it makes any difference while we’re waiting for your labs to come back.”

She left and a few minutes later the nurse returned with a small oval pill in a medicine cup.

“Put this under your tongue.”

Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator, a substance that relaxes smooth muscle and blood vessels, increasing blood flow to coronary arteries and is absorbed more rapidly from the mucous membrane under the tongue. The tablet itself irritating if left in one place too long and tastes like crap after disintegrating.

A few minutes passed and I didn’t feel any different. The pain had been slowly ebbing since I’d arrived, and my blood pressure dropped slightly. Dr. Nell returned.

“Did the nitro do anything?”
“I didn’t think it would.”
“Yeah, neither did I.”
“Well, your troponin levels are stone cold negative, so I don’t think you’re having a heart attack.”

Troponins are proteins released into the blood when heart muscle is damaged. During my internship forty-some years ago we used to measure blood levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) when evaluating heart patients, but levels can be elevated with damage to other tissues. Troponins are much more specific.

She continued: “If it’s not cardiac, we start thinking of other causes, specifically gastrointestinal. Esophageal spasms (painful contractions of the esophagus) can mimic cardiac pain. We’ll have a GI evaluate you, but I want to try something else in the meantime. I’m going to give you a solution to drink.”

My nurse returned with a little turquoise container resembling a salad dressing packet, containing a solution of antacid and viscous lidocaine, a topical anesthetic. “We call this Magic Milk.”

I’m probably not going to like this, am I?

“It’s a combination of lidocaine and an antacid. You’re probably not going to like it.”

I’m used to downing Bicitra, something we gave to women before doing an emergency Cesarean section after a long, fruitless labor. It’s a solution of sodium citrate and citric acid with a fluorescent yellow-green appearance and tastes like thick, unsweetened Mountain Dew®. A friend of mine compared it to battery acid, but it cooled the burn expeditiously. It would probably be even better over ice with a little gin or vodka.

I tossed it back like a tequila shot, grimaced, and then roared, causing Peg to immediately panic.

“Are you OK??? Is something wrong???”
“Yeah, this stuff is really awful!”

Dr. Nell returned about 15 minutes later.

“Your labs are normal. Your EKG and chest x-ray are normal. I don’t know what’s causing the pain but it’s not likely cardiac. We’re going to keep you overnight and get consults in the morning.”

A woman from Admitting came in with a tablet and had me sign several forms, including “You’re responsible for any charges not covered by insurance. Don’t be a deadbeat or Vinnie will come visit you.” My nurse hooked me up to a telemetry EKG monitor. I got another wrist band and someone from transportation started pushing me down the hall.

I’ve seen friends and family in this hospital, so I knew my way around a bit, but that was walking upright. It’s almost impossible to know where you are looking at the ceiling, passing under fluorescent lights and acoustic tiles. Left, then right. Down one hallway, right and down another. A bell announced the elevator’s arrival; two bumps as the cart rode over the entrance.

A short trip up and I was on the 5th floor. The transportation dude wheeled me into the observation room.

“Can you make it to the bed?” Yeah, I’m not dead yet and I’m not as old as you think.

After I got settled I looked around at the luxury that was the observation room. I’d bet the Cook County jail had better holding cells.

There was a single hospital bed in what used to be a double room, a bedside table next to the bed, and a single utilitarian vinyl-upholstered recliner in the corner. A laptop was bolted to a mobile desktop between my bed and the bathroom wall. I think there was an unremarkable print on the wall, the kind whose eventual familiarity drives one insane. The walls were painted in either celery or baby diarrhea brown which, combined with the yellow tint of the fluorescent lighting, made the room even more dismal. The mattress was lumpy and about two inches thick; it alternately inflated and deflated in different spots, probably to prevent bedsores or blood clots in skinny, immobile old people. One could probably die from despair in here.

My nurse, Meghan, came in shortly to get me settled. She was tall with dark brown hair, grey eyes, not much of a butt and yes, I could be her father or grandfather. Just because I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t look at the menu. What the hell else am I gonna do at 11:00 pm after thinking I was going to go to the Great Beyond?

We chatted a bit between the obligatory nursing documentation questions, including going through my medication list for the third or fourth time. Here’s a hint: if there are any meds you can do without for a few days before you get back home, don’t mention them. The hospital will give them to you while charging outlandish rates.

About 1am she came in and said, “Your lipase level came back 30,000 and the doctor thinks it might be pancreatitis, so we’re going to start I.V. fluids.” (Lipase is an enzyme the pancreas secretes to break down fats in one’s diet; an elevated level indicates inflammation from a number of causes, including alcoholism, gallstones or tumors.)

Pancreatitis? The only person I ever saw with pancreatitis was when I was a resident. She’d been deposited in our Labor Unit because some genius in the emergency room figured the woman in triage was (a) female and (b) in pain, so she must be in labor. She was actually 49 and had acute pancreatitis; and our nurse manager reamed someone a new one. I wasn’t in that much pain, but even I realized 30,000 was, if not an error, something terribly wrong.

Whoever gave the order also wanted me NPO, nil per os, meaning nothing to eat or drink. However, no one passed that on to me, so I kept drinking all night. And, not wanting to be a bother, I’d unplug the I.V. pump when I needed to urinate, wheel it to the bathroom, do my thing and hook it back up before getting back into bed, after figuring out how not to get tangle in the I.V. tubing. Two days passed and NO ONE asked why the bedside urinal was never used.

The bathroom was another disappointment. Commercial toilets are wall-mounted and, if done more than ten or twenty years ago, were lower to the ground than today’s “comfort height” toilets. Hospital toilets also have a rod connected to the plumbing that pulls down to spray out bedpans. Whoever does maintenance put in a six-inch lift between the bowl and the seat to raise the height but neglected to caulk the lower part of the lift. Anyone peeing sitting down (including me because it’s easier since my prostatectomy), ends up drenching the floor. It took a few trips to figure out why my feet were wet.

The lab took blood sometime during the night, but I wasn’t aware of it and figured they’d taken it out of the I.V. port.  I wondered what fresh hell daylight would bring.


Featured image: Chest Pain.  © Can Stock Photo / yekophotostudio

Writing Exercises

Disciplined writers commit to writing something every day, but that’s been a struggle. This is my latest attempt.

March 15-16, 2021

Beware the Ides of March.
I admit to being a chronic master procrastinator when it comes to writing, which should not be confused with a chronic masturbator. I am not the disciplined writer who gets up at the butt crack of dawn every day and writes furiously for two, three or more hours.

I’m not a new writer; I’ve been putting pen to paper for more than 50 years. I don’t carry a Moleskine journal, furtively writing everywhere because a newly found voice and sense of outrage is brimming with ideas. My outrage started with an alcoholic stepfather and increased exponentially with the Vietnam War. I’m old and tired and cranky.

I often think of things when I’m driving or out for a walk, neither of which is conducive to putting pen to paper. (Also, my handwriting is so bad I have to ask Peg if she can figure out what I’ve scribbled: “You wrote ‘small Bailey’s’, not small barley.”) I roll things around in my brain, editing and revising until I finally have something to record for posterity.

That, and I’m a poor judge of my own writing. I’m never sure anyone will want to read what I have to say.

I’ve tried to analyze my reluctance with little success, but I can attribute a lot of it to two things: I hate trying to write when the muse isn’t there, because it just makes me frustrated and angry, and I hate being interrupted when I’m in the groove.

Until I alter my habits to something more productive, my days look like this:

I get up after a fitful night’s sleep made difficult by annoying and sometimes terrifying dreams (I was a psychopath being taken to a mental hospital in the last dream I remember). I shower, take my meds from the seven-day pill case I keep in my nightstand, and make coffee. If Baxter is still sleeping – sometimes he won’t get up until 10am or so – I will sit at my desk and try to write or waste time, knowing he’ll be up soon.

When His Lordship has awakened from his slumber, I will take him downstairs and out to pee, then we will negotiate breakfast. Sometimes he is hungry; other times he tries to run back upstairs because he’s just not interested. Occasionally I can entice him with sliced turkey but if he has a case of the fuckits, it’s an exercise in futility. If he does eat, I have to catch him to give him his insulin before he bolts. If I’ve thought fast enough, I put the gate up in front of the stairs.

That being done, I will sit in bed, drink coffee, and play Kindle games or read while Baxter buries, then eats cookies on the bed. I started doing this because if I go directly to my office to work, he yells from the bedroom until I return. When he finally settles down for his all-important early morning or mid-morning nap, I will go to my office and engage in the usual timewasters.

I approach Facebook as the 21st century morning newspaper. My FB friends and acquaintances post news links, often from sources outside the United States. I’ve contacts in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as one guy in Norway, but he doesn’t appear very often. Reading how the rest of the world sees us is sobering and sometimes infuriating, especially when some asshole here says we shouldn’t have universal health coverage because, “it’s socialism and I don’t want to pay for some illegal’s health care.” Presumably, his own financial ruin, the result of unpaid catastrophic medical expenses, is just dandy.

Then I’ll read the notifications for previous posts which, more often than not, draws me back to running arguments with die-hard contrarians. Common topics include:

  • how Joe Biden is wrecking the country, and how that other guy was so great,
  • people who wear masks are sheep, and coronavirus is a hoax,
  • how the Democrats are coming for your guns,
  • why the national debt is now a problem when it wasn’t during the past four years,
  • poor people are poor because they don’t try hard enough, or they are lazy.

I’m trying to limit myself to thirty minutes as I can spend hours foaming at the mouth.

Next, I’ll check my email and then the ADD kicks in. I get distracted, remembering something I wanted to look days ago, or something I’d promised to send someone.  Last Saturday my lack of progress prompted me to start reorganizing my office. I tossed some shit but just shuffled most of it around.

I’ll give some thought to what I’m going to make for dinner. If I’m really busy I’ll default to takeout. Famous Dave’s on Tuesdays when they have the Feast for Two deal. Popeye’s, El Famous Burrito or Chinese from the Golden Wok on other days.

I have my weekly routines. Tuesday is getting recycling and garbage ready for pickup on Wednesday. Thursday is towel day – washing all the dirty towels. Saturday is for changing and washing the sheets. Somewhere in there I’ll empty the hamper and do my laundry. Peg is particularly finicky about her laundry; for some reason she doesn’t like delicates dried on “incinerate.”

I’ve tried to do the shopping strategically. I’ll do a Costco run once a month, as soon as they open, because otherwise it’s insane. Same with Aldi. I’ll go to Mariano’s nearer to dinnertime when most people are home. Peg and I made up printable shopping lists for Aldi and Costco.

Housework is done as needed. I’ll empty the dishwasher if it’s been run. I vacuum the rug next to our kitchen island as it picks up crap from walking or eating. Getting the Dyson vac we keep in the family room was the best purchase we’d made in a long time. Light, quick and efficient.

After dinner Peg and I collapse on the couch and binge-watch something on Netflix or Amazon Prime until the master realizes it’s around 9pm and starts barking until we go upstairs to the bed.

This all brings me to “The Finite and the Tangible,” a blog post I started years ago and still haven’t finished. Medical school had no definable end in sight. We were expected to acquire useful information from textbooks numbering hundreds, if not thousands, of pages. (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine was about 1,500 pages in 1975. It’s now a whopping 4048 pages in two volumes weighing 13.2 pounds!)  I felt like there was a mountain of books, papers and trash piled into the middle of a school gymnasium and I was the janitor with a whisk broom and dustpan.

Writing provokes the same anxiety and trepidation.

Long ago I learned to derive a sense of accomplishment from simple things like housework, laundry, and cooking. They are finite tasks with tangible results. I don’t have to wait months or years to see the final product. I especially like cooking because cutting things into little pieces is very therapeutic (and, unlike murdering one’s tormentors, legal). I’m a reasonably good cook but I am not a chef by any stretch of the imagination, even though Peg chastises me for doing “cheffy-chef” things like trying to flip a large pancake using just the pan. Hey, practice makes perfect and at least I did it over the sink instead of the bare floor.

A good friend of mine is an artist who, in retirement, has committed to finishing one drawing every day.  I spent the 30-40 minutes writing this when I started, another hour revising the following day, and about 20 minutes just before posting. I’m trying to force myself to write something every day, but it’s still a struggle.

Maybe I’ll ignore the call of the long list of timewasters and go back to “The Finite and the Tangible.” But let me check my Facebook page for just a minute…

Election Postmortem

Here are my thoughts on the shitshow that was the 2020 Presidential election

Polls missed it again!
Pollsters in 2016 predicted Hillary Clinton would win but didn’t recognize how many people despised her. Instead third-party voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, whose vote totals were many times his margins over Hillary, handed the election to Trump. This time Biden won those three states.

Biden was supposed to win in a landslide and a Blue Wave was going to usher in a Democratic Congress to magically transform everything. So what happened?

Polls suffer from selection bias; they are only as good as the people who choose to answer them. I don’t answer any phone calls I don’t recognize and I’d rather slit my throat than talk to a pollster. But there’s a subset of the population – those on the far ends of the political spectrum – that will gladly tell anyone how they feel about the issues. The people in the middle, both Liberal and Conservative leaning, either doesn’t want to be bothered or don’t want to tip their hands.

I’m not sure polls have any practical use besides inducing false hope to some, despair to others, or a reason for the media to turn the election into a day at the greyhound track with Bugs Bunny.

The “Blue Wave” was a ripple.
Democrats overestimated their chances of defeating Republican incumbents. Anyone hoping for a major Democratic takeover of Congress ignored political reality. Every voter can choose ONE Congressional rep, TWO Senators and ONE President.. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham were re-elected, despite being hated by millions. You can’t vote out another state’s candidates.

Progressives pinning all their hopes on Bernie or any other “progressive” candidates are delusional. You can elect Jesus Christ Himself to the Presidency, but as long as Moscow Mitch controls the Senate, you won’t get any closer to universal healthcare or free college.

Biden won without groveling to progressives.
I didn’t see or hear as much “the candidate needs to earn my vote!” bullshit that dominated the 2016 race. Maybe third-party voters realized the past four years of Trump were far worse than a Hillary Clinton presidency. I’m sure there are some who “held my nose” and reluctantly voted for Biden, but I don’t expect them to openly admit it.

But the progressive agenda may have cost Democrats House seats.
More than 72 million people voted for Trump, and they equate “progressivism” with socialism/communism. I can only guess as to their reasoning, but I think it’s a combination of viewing government as the enemy and not wanting “those people” getting something for nothing. Hispanics in Florida, especially Cuban-Americans, are and the Florida Democratic Party apparently did little to persuade them otherwise.

Conor Lamb, a 36-year-old moderate Democrat from Pennsylvania’s 17th district who won re-election in a Republican area, said:

“I’m giving you an honest account of what I’m hearing from my own constituents, which is that they are extremely frustrated by the message of defunding the police and banning fracking. And I, as a Democrat, am just as frustrated. Because those things aren’t just unpopular, they’re completely unrealistic, and they aren’t going to happen. And they amount to false promises by the people that call for them.”

We’re not likely to get universal health care or Medicare for All in my lifetime. It will require almost unanimous Congressional approval, a President willing to sign the legislation, and a Supreme Court willing to uphold it against the inevitable legal challenges. It will also need a comprehensive plan on how to transition a $4 trillion industry to a single payor as well as adequate funding in perpetuity.

I don’t see it happening until millennials, especially women, make up a sizeable proportion of Congress and we have a female president. We are headed in the right direction but change will be incremental, not radical. To paraphrase Paddy Bauler, Chicago 43rd ward alderman and barkeep, “The country ain’t ready for reform!”

Democrats need to win statehouses.
Republicans control more than half of the state legislative bodies in the US and that is where voting laws and redistricting happens. The Democrats failed to make any gains in 2020. Texas isn’t going to turn blue anytime soon. Georgia is probably more purple than blue. And there are a lot of crazy people in Michigan, where Republicans have been actively undermining Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s efforts to combat coronavirus.

All politics are local.
 A lot gets decided at the state and local level. Arizona, Barry Goldwater’s home state and long a bastion of conservatism, legalized recreational marijuana and raised taxes on incomes over $250,000. Mississippi legalized medical marijuana and replaced the Stars and Bars on its state flag with the state flower.  South Dakota legalized recreational and medical marijuana. Florida – Florida! – voted to increase the minimum wage to $15/hour over the next six years. So there is a glimmer of hope.

Don’t expect a honeymoon.
As of this writing, Trump has refused to concede. A lot of Trump supporters think the election was fraudulent and Biden will be an “illegitimate president.” Republicans, as with Obama, have no interest in reconciliation or cooperation.

Many of us on the other side aren’t willing to forgive or forget four years of animosity, ridicule and lies. Trump and his supporters vilified immmigrants, Muslims, people of color, Black Lives Matter, anti-fascists, liberals, intelligence and education. They cheered when a 17-year-old kid from Illinois killed two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin with an assault rifle, and then started a Go Fund Me page for his legal expenses. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Leonard Pitts, Jr. put it this way:

“…Trump and his supporters broke this country, and it will take years to repair, if we ever do. They didn’t care then, and as far as I can tell, they don’t care now. So as an African-American student of history — and frankly, just as an American who loves the ideal of America, the truths held self-evident and more perfect union of America — I ask you not to ask me what I will do to reconcile with those people. Here’s a better question:

What will they do to reconcile with me?…”

Democrats need to stop preaching to the choir.
Biden and company need to figure out what conservative voters want and/or need and if it’s even possible. These are the people who thought that Trump contracting coronavirus showed courage rather than stupidity. They embrace authoritanianism; they want a dictatorship as long as it doesn’t affect them. In 2019, a woman in Florida, bemoaning the poor federal response to Hurricane Michael, said Trump was “not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” Yes, some of your fellow Americans are that vindictive.

Trump won in 2016 by appealing to their sense of being neglected by both parties but did little or nothing for them. Coal jobs didn’t come back. His trade war with China crippled soybean farmers.  Middle-aged white men, especially in the Mountain West, are dying by suicide at twice the national rate. Many of those people voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. The Democrats can win them back but not with progressive demands to defund the police, enact a Green New Deal and promising Medicare For All.

Otherwise, we risk Trump 2.0 in 2024, and that could truly be the end of the United States.

© Can Stock Photo / tintin75

Bread and Circuses

I went to Costco today. They had the normal entrance blocked off and routed people through the cart entrance. (T-W-Th 8-9am are old people hours). They had the walk along the side of the building partitioned with pallets and carts. We had to walk down the sidewalk, around the end and back to the entrance. We got our carts but had to wait in line because they were limiting how many people could be in the store. They had TVs playing a PSA loop featuring Drs. Fauci and Birx, and Dr. Jerome Adams, the US Surgeon General, explaining why we have to keep six feet (or one alligator) distance between us.

We got to go in when some number of people exited. The meat counter was pretty much empty. No ground beef, save for a few packages of “organic” stuff: 4lbs  that was going for about $21. Two packages of stew beef. High end beef going for $30/lb. Five six-packs of boneless chicken breasts. No thighs, no whole chickens. There was plenty of salmon and tilapia as fish doesn’t have the same processing plant issues (and likely because it’s too healthy for some people).

They had plenty of fresh Italian sausage in the pork section. I suspect they ground up what little pork they had left to stretch it out. I also saw a lot of the Kirkland bratwurst (which I think is better and bigger than Johnsonville’s brats). The freezer section had a lot of prepackaged stuff like beer battered cod, pulled pork, sirloin burgers and half a pound of blackened mahi-mahi for $20. Ouch.

Most people kept their distance, pausing at aisle intersections like 4-way stops, but some wandered aimlessly, oblivious to their surroundings and crowding the rest of us. One poor older woman was asking if Costco was handing out masks; the staffer said, “It’s OK for now; you don’t have to wear a mask until May 1.”

One Costco staffer directed people to the checkouts as they became available. The cashiers were behind 2×6 ft acrylic barriers and everything seemed to go smoothly. But everyone looked grim. As Walter would say, “Get your shit and get out!”

We are fortunate there are only two of us. We aren’t waiting for an unemployment check that won’t come anytime soon because the unemployment website is overwhelmed, and no one can apply (or was deliberately sabotaged by a cruel governor). We don’t have a houseful of kids that we have to home school while also working at home and THEN have to worry about feeding after a long day. We’re not in unimaginably long lines at food banks.

We’re the richest country in the world and our government is wasting $8,000 and 1,200 gallons of fuel per hour per jet flying twelve F-16s over cities filled with people who can’t go out of their apartments. If they do, they’re ignoring social distancing, so why bother mandating something people can conveniently ignore? It’s more of a tribute to a feckless leader than to the people risking – or taking – their lives. Bread and circuses.

Soon, we may have no bread, only circuses.

© Can Stock Photo / kvkirillov

Compared to What?

(Please forgive my absence. The last two months have been a bit chaotic.)

This was too good to pass up.

Number One son, my clone in personality if not appearance, started a discussion on Facebook: So… at what point does the MiniTrue behavior of the current administration become an actionable problem?

A friend of his responded: Ah the ministry of truth telling you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.

My first thought on seeing “Mini-True” was Verne Troyer. I remember a few of Orwell’s unique terms – Big Brother, thoughtcrimes, doublespeak and the homeland Oceania – but not the contraction MiniTrue. I asked Peg and she didn’t remember it either.

Number One Son: Ministry of Truth. S’newspeak
The Old Man: Millennial shorthand again.
Number One Son: Jesus dad did you even READ the book?

Yeah, numbnuts, I read 1984 in 1969 when I was a high school freshman. And Animal Farm. And Brave New World, though I’ve never read Lord of the Flies. One my high school buddies called me Piggy because I had “assmar” (asthma).I had an image of Julia I based on a blonde from a beer ad in TV Guide. Years later when I saw the 1956 film version of 1984 with Edmund O’Brien as Winston Smith, Jan Sterling’s Julia came pretty close to what I’d imagined.

I grew up during a time that was similar to what’s going on now but, in its own way, far uglier, although Peg thinks the present is worse. Black people were still being lynched in the South during the 1960s. Detroit and other inner cities burned in 1967 as black people rioted against police brutality, poverty and racism. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated within a couple of months of each other in 1968, killing our hopes of racial harmony and a return to Camelot.

Our collective stomachs knotted as we watched old men on television randomly drawing birth dates for the draft. We were in a war in Vietnam we could never win, and our leaders knew it.  Fifty thousand US troops died. So did an estimated 1.3 million North and South Vietnamese soldiers, along with 2 million Vietnamese civilians. The American casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are far lower, but the faulty rationales for “bringing freedom and democracy to you savages” persist.

College campuses exploded. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), founded in Ann Arbor, Michigan organized “teach-ins” (a.k.a. “preaching to the choir”) and antiwar protests. The Weather Underground Organization didn’t think the SDS was militant enough, split off in 1969 and started a bombing campaign targeting banks and government buildings. Diana Oughton, who grew up in Dwight, Illinois, about 15 minutes from where I lived in Streator, died in a Greenwich Village apartment when the bomb she was building exploded prematurely. She was only 28.

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago was eclipsed by Chicago cops tear-gassing and beating the crap out of protestors. Mike Wallace and Dan Rather, CBS reporters who would become legends, were assaulted on national TV. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, whom columnist Mike Royko called “The Great Dumpling,” made his infamous proclamation: ““The policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder.”

On October 15, 1969, a few million people around the country – mostly young, some older – joined The Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam. Our high school administration had banned wearing black armbands in honor of the day, prompting several seniors to walk out and assemble at the American Legion memorial in the city park. I wore an armband home that day. My stepfather called me a Communist and said the kids at the memorial should have been lined up and shot. I’d never thought of him having any political inclinations and I was surprised as hell. I picked a side that day and I’ve never wavered.

American Legion Memorial, Streator, IL

Six of my high school friends and I read How Old Will You Be in 1984?, a collection of essays from high school “underground” papers around the country. We would all turn 30 in 1984, the age at which we thought as teenagers, adults could no longer be trusted — a sobering thought. (The irony is I now think of thirty as “young and stupid,” and I don’t trust people my age when they have money and power.)

We printed four editions of “The Paper,” our naïve attempt to change the hearts and minds of high schoolers in a blue collar town. Dennis’ dad gave us access to a mimeograph machine; we printed them on pastel paper and sold them for a dime. I still have some of them left, crumbling in a manila envelope somewhere in our basement. It got us mentioned in a much larger collection, The Movement Toward A New America: The Beginnings of a Long Revolution., but not much else.

USA Today ran this opinion on September 6, 2019: “If things are so bad under President Trump, why aren’t we seeing larger protest movement?“  My snarky comment was “Because people won’t look up from their cell phones.” They aren’t willing to risk being teargassed, beaten or shot for what they may view as an exercise in futility. There have been a few symbolic protests and arrests but nothing that has altered minds or policy.

learned protesting doesn’t accomplish shit. My generation wanted a “revolution,” but it didn’t turn out as we’d hoped. Not even close. The only things we “accomplished” were President Lyndon Johnson decided not to run for re-election, and the backlash from the riots killed Hubert Humphrey’s chances of winning. The US didn’t pull out of Vietnam for another 5 years. We got Richard Nixon as President, his war on drugs and his eventual resignation for the Watergate cover-up. Republicans are still fighting the culture wars, even though all of us dirty hippie godless Commies are grandparents and more worried about our 401k’s than sticking it to The Man. (Click here for a story about the couple on the Woodstock album cover, married for almost 50 years!)

Pissing and moaning on Facebook may be cathartic. Signing online petitions to your weasels in Congress might make you think you’re doing something, but it doesn’t. Voting helps but only to a point. Each person can vote for two Senators, one Congressional Representative and the President. I can’t vote Moscow Mitch, Ted Cruz or lunatics like Louie Gohmert out of office. You could elect Jesus Christ Himself as President and as long as the GOP controls Congress, you ain’t getting shit.

Change is incremental and requires fundamental shifts in public opinion. Civil rights, voting rights, gay marriage and legalized marijuana didn’t happen overnight. Bernie’s minions should stop hoping for a “progressive” miracle worker with a magic wand and work towards changing Congress instead of whining about how the DNC “screwed” him in 2016.

Trump’s base will crawl on their knees over hot coals to vote. Millennials and Gen X’ers will comprise more than half of next year’s eligible voting population, almost twice the number of Baby Boomers (whom some of them blame for their misery). They are in a much better position to alter our country’s course because they have more to lose by doing nothing.

In 1969, Les McCann and Eddie Harris performed “Compared to What?” at the Montreux Jazz Festival. Some things haven’t changed in fifty years

“The President, he’s got his war
Folks don’t know just what it’s for
Nobody gives us rhyme or reason
Have one doubt, they call it treason
We’re chicken-feathers, all without one nut. God damn it!
Tryin’ to make it real, compared to what? (Sock it to me)”

We still have a long way to go.

Illustration © Canstock Photo / Satori

Compared to What? By Gene McDaniels. © 1966